The address listed on Robert S. Pando's license is in Winkler County. The license will expire in February if it is not renewed.
The DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit consists of 23 regulatory programs. The programs evaluate and issue credentials, administer examinations, monitor continuing education activities, conduct complaint investigations, impose disciplinary sanctions, and otherwise regulate a variety of health professions and related facilities in the State of Texas.
The following table shows all other licenses held by people and organizations in Winkler County with expiration dates in February.
Licenses in Winkler County with February expiration dates
Type of license | License No. | Name | Expiration Date |
A/C contractor | 35722 | Husky Mechanical, LLC | 2021-02-19 |
apprentice electrician | 498169 | Carlos M. Balderas | 2021-02-10 |
apprentice electrician | 304977 | David De La Fuente | 2021-02-05 |
apprentice electrician | 379311 | Jorge A. Aguilar Arredondo | 2021-02-26 |
apprentice electrician | 414793 | Joseph G. Valerio | 2021-02-03 |
apprentice electrician | 500098 | Lianne Reyes | 2021-02-26 |
apprentice electrician | 381295 | Magnelis Batista | 2021-02-21 |
apprentice electrician | 497827 | Montes Oca D.E. Lazaro | 2021-02-05 |
apprentice electrician | 499576 | Orlian Rodriguez Ramos | 2021-02-21 |
apprentice electrician | 297410 | Robert S. Pando | 2021-02-14 |
apprentice electrician | 297410 | Robert Seth Pando | 2021-02-14 |
apprentice electrician | 497610 | Yosbel Miranda | 2021-02-04 |
apprentice electrician | 499061 | Yusnavy Carbajo Toledo | 2021-02-17 |
cosmetology beauty salon | 678128 | Bangz | 2021-02-09 |
cosmetology operator | 1757175 | Jasmine Madrid | 2021-02-08 |
electrical contractor | 26974 | ESC Electric, LLC | 2021-02-02 |
electrical contractor | 20659 | Megadyne Services Company | 2021-02-22 |
journeyman electrician | 36107 | William L. Widner | 2021-02-09 |
master electrician | 163631 | Paul D. Bates | 2021-02-16 |
master electrician | 87051 | Steven Underwood | 2021-02-25 |