Mayberry Funeral Home
Recent News About Mayberry Funeral Home
Carolyn Ann Grismore, 77, Remembered at Celebration of Life Service
Carolyn Ann Grismore passed away on Feb. 10. Below is the obituary.
Elder George W. Pope Remembered for Ministry and Family
Elder George W. Pope passed away on Feb. 4. Below is the obituary.
Amarien Amont Armendariez, Bright Light and Talented Athlete, Passes Away at 22
Amarien Amont Armendariez passed away on Jan. 28. Below is the obituary.
Mayberry Funeral Home: Quinton Trayshad Haynes, 24, of Midland, TX
Quinton Trayshad Haynes passed away on Jan. 24. Below is the obituary.
Gary "Pooky" Lee Nathan Jr., Remembered for His Warmth and Love for Classics
Gary Lee Nathan passed away on Jan. 16. Below is the obituary.
Brendon Rae Martinez: Remembered Lovingly in Odessa, Texas
Brendon Rae Martinez passed away on Jan. 13. Below is the obituary.
Carlos Ramos Remembered for His Humor and Kindness in Odessa, Texas
Carlos Ramos passed away on Jan. 13. Below is the obituary.
Hooey Lynn Rodriquez: A Cherished Light Remembered in Midland, Texas
Hooey Lynn Rodriquez passed away on Jan. 6. Below is the obituary.
Milburn Sanders Jr's Funeral Arrangements Announced
Milburn Sanders passed away on Jan. 4. Below is the obituary.
Funeral or memorial service tomorrow in Petroplex Region
The following funeral or memorial service is scheduled to happen in Petroplex Region tomorrow.
Clara Moore's Funeral Details Released
Clara Moore passed away on Dec. 31. Below is the obituary.
Jerry Edwards Remembered at Celebration Of Life Service
Jerry Edwards passed away on Dec. 13. Below is the obituary.
Celebration of Life Service Planned for Rickey Lee Bowers
Rickey Lee Bowers passed away on Dec. 4. Below is the obituary.
Funeral or memorial services tomorrow in Petroplex Region
The following funeral or memorial services are scheduled to happen in Petroplex Region tomorrow.
Celebration of Life Planned for Patricia Ann Gomez, 44
Patricia Ann Gomez passed away on Nov. 23. Below is the obituary.
De'Andre "Spuddy" Allen Jefferson, 27, Remembered for Infectious Sense of Humor and Love
De'Andre Allen Jefferson passed away on Nov. 16. Below is the obituary.
Shirley Marie Brown Remembered for Faith and Kindness
Shirley Marie Brown passed away on Nov. 6. Below is the obituary.
Helen Anna Ibarra, 58, of Midland, Texas, Passes Away
Helen Anna Ibarra passed away on Nov. 1. Below is the obituary.
Evelyn Hoyle, 58, of Midland, Texas, Passes Away
Evelyn Hoyle passed away on Oct. 29. Below is the obituary.
Shanta Thomas, 41, of Atlanta, Georgia, Passes Away in Midland, Texas
Shanta Thomas passed away on Oct. 28. Below is the obituary.